These Mountains We Climb

Loss. Faith. Triumph.

How it began

In 2012 I began a blog called and watched it go viral over the course of a few years, gaining millions of views and inspiring conversation about faith, trials, family, and the things in life that we all go through that binds us together. I was published in Deseret News, the Huffington Post, LDS Living, and various other publications, earning me “Mormon Blogger of the Month”, “WordPress Blogger of the Month” and followers from every walk of life who took the blogs within Lemmony Things and incorporated the words into church talks, other blogs, articles, and youth lessons.

But life changed.

While blogging on Lemmony Things, I was married within the LDS church, living in Idaho, and playing the role of the perfect Mormon. It wasn’t until after a divorce, a crisis of faith, a move across state and a complete change of life and heart that I decided to put Lemmony Things away and start fresh. So I started These Mountains We Climb–stepping forward in faith and deciding that authenticity and living according to one’s conscience is truly the only way to live.

Welcome to my blog, friends. I don’t care what you believe, what you’ve done or where you’re headed. I just know that you’re a child of God–and that’s enough for you to belong.

me and my boys

In the eye of the storm He remains in control.